Gesellschaft für Energietechnik GmbH
In den Kuhwiesen 10
D - 76149 Karlsruhe
Tel.: +49 (721) 66499951
Fax: +49 (721) 9703970
Mail: info@enertec.net
Company form: GmbH
VAT ID: DE813632288 (§27a UStG)
HRB: 110198 (Amtsgericht Mannheim)
Responsible for content according to §10paragraph3 MDStV:
Armin Schäfer and Christoph Schwarz
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This also applies to all references, so-called "hyperlinks", which we offer directly or indirectly on this website. We can not assume any responsibility for the contents of such external pages that you reach by means of a link or other reference.
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